Frequently Asked Questions

What is WhoReadMe?
WhoReadMe is a free email tracking service. WhoReadMe lets you track emails you have sent and inform you when emails get read. To learn more about what is WhoReadMe, click here.How WhoReadMe works?
WhoReadMe is embedded a transparent tracking image into your HTML email. The image is assigned with unique ID and stored in WhoReadMe server. Once your recipient opens your email, tracking image will be loaded from WhoReadMe server. Therefore, WhoReadMe is alerted to send you notification.What are WhoReadMe features?
Generally, WhoReadMe features include:- Get email notification each time your email was read
- Set expiry date of your email content
- Calculate duration between the email sent and read time
- Send email with attachments
- Get email notification when attachment is downloaded
- Keep a copy of your sent emails for your refer
- Track recipient location
- Track recipient browser details, such as operating system, browser name, version, etc...
- Support HTML email
Is that any additional plug-ins or software required?
There is no additional plug-ins or software required. All you need to do is create an account with us.What should I do to track my emails?
You can directly send the email from your own email client by adding suffix "" to your recipient email address. E.g.: [email protected].whoreadme.comDoes WhoReadMe work with my Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo!, AOL email or other free email accounts?
Yes. Just send out email from your account with suffix "" at your recipient email address.How do I start using WhoReadMe service?
To get started, go to sign up now.How will you inform me when my email gets read?
You will get an email notification from us once your email has been read. However, you can disable the notification at anytime.How much it cost?
WhoReadMe service is totally free, but we encourage you make some donations to help us pay the service maintenance and hosting fees. Thanks!Does WhoReadMe always work?
WhoReadMe is a free service. We do not guarantee the performance of WhoReadMe service, please use it on your own risk.Is the content of my email kept private?
Yes. We respect privacy of our users. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.How many emails I can send a day?
You can send ulimited email every day as long as you have enough email credit in your account. However, you can request for more credits by making donations.How many recipients are accepted in my email?
You can send to unlimited recipients but each recipient will consume 1 email credit.How many free email credit I can recieve everyday?
You are qualified to recieve 20 credits from us. This mean you can send 20 emails or 20 recipients. Unuse credits are not accumulate and will be reset on the next day.What is notification credit?
Notification credit is the maximum number of notification you will receive from WhoReadMe when your email is opened. By default, you can receive maximum 50 notifications from us everyday. If the usage exceed, we still tracking the activities of your email but remain silent.When credits will be reset everyday?
12:00:00 AM (UTC)Can I send tracked email by Outlook or other email clients?
Yes. Just add a suffix "" to your recipient email address when you send your email.Why some of my emails not being tracked?
WhoReadMe inserts an invisible tracking image to every email you sent. If your recipient blocks the image from loaded, the tracking will not working. Please make sure your recipient have added you to their safe list as well.I received replies from my recipient, but WhoReadMe reported the email is still waiting, why?
Some email clients are blocking images by default. WhoReadMe inserts an invisible tracking image to every email you sent. If your recipient blocks the image from loaded, the tracking will not working. Please make sure your recipient have added you to their safe list to bypass this problem.Can I know whether my email is being deleted without reading by recipient?
Sorry, we are not able to do that currently.What is the maximum size of attachments?
We accept unlimited amount of attachments in any size but the maximum size of attachments within an email is 8 MB.I try to send a file with ".exe" extension and get message "Invalid file type". Why?
For security reason, we are not accepting executable attachments.How to close my account?
You can close your account anytime at here. Please note that all your data and emails will be removed from our database and cannot recover back.